📌 Building your project is the first part, the second part is making sure it’s uploaded/submitted properly so that it can be judged! Please ensure you leave yourself and your team enough time to submit your project and present it well in your submission post.



  1. Choose which TRACK you’ve built
    1. Track 1: Create a 3D website
    2. Track 2: Create an interactive invite to Brooklyn Stoop Sale
    3. Track 3: Analyze Olympics dataset
  2. State whether you worked Solo or with a Team?
    1. If with a team, you’ll need to add your teammates’ CodĂ©dex username with their role in the project (e.g, Product Manager, Backend Eng, etc.)
  3. Write a description of your project
    1. Take your time here and summarize what your project is all about. Describe what you did and why you choose to do it that way verse another way. Talk about which technologies you used, the challenges your team faced, anything else you think is important for the judges to know!
    2. KEEP IN MIND: good descriptions are helpful to the judges when looking at your projects. Prepare us for what’s ahead 🙂
  4. Link your GitHub Repo
    1. Ensure your project is public for our judges to review! If you do not have a public repo, your project will be disqualified.
  5. Link to your Live Demo
    1. For Track 1 & 2, there should be a live demo website (even if unfinished).
    2. For Track 3: Optional
  6. Specify which prize category you’re applying for. Choose up to 3 categories.
    1. First time Hack (is it your first hackathon? then choose this!!)
    2. Best Solo Hack
    3. Best Theme Hack
    4. Best UI/UX
  7. Upload a picture of your project!
  8. Please sure to acknowledge that Codédex may use your project in promotional material like email newsletters and social announcing winners!
  9. Click on ‘Post’ âœ